How to do the exercises in Learning QlikView Data Visualization without a QlikView license

If you have the QlikView Personal Edition (PE), you can only open QlikView documents created locally on your own computer.  So, if you are downloading and installing QlikView for the first time, or you don’t have a full QlikView license and are using the QlikView PE, you are going to get the following error when opening up the QlikView files (QVW) included with Learning QlikView Data Visualization.


Click Abort, and perform the following steps before starting the exercises included in the book.

  1. Launch QlikView.
  2. In the File menu, click New…
  3. If the new file wizard appears, click Cancel.
  4. In the new QlikView document, return to the File menu and click Save.
  5. Browse to where the exercise files are located and in the folder Exercises\Original\, save the new file as Sales_Project_Analysis_Sandbox.qvw and replace the existing file.
  6. Once saved, go to the File menu and click Edit Script…
  7. In the Edit Script window, delete all the existing script and insert the following text.
    $(Include=..\supporting files\script\script.txt);
  8. In the File menu, click Reload.
  9. In the Sheet Properties window that appears after the data is reloaded, click OK.
  10. Finally, return to the File menu and click Save.
  11. Repeat the steps 2-10 to create a second QlikView file called Sales_Project_Dashboard.qvw in the same folder.

You are now ready to begin the exercises in the book.

See you around,







4 responses to “How to do the exercises in Learning QlikView Data Visualization without a QlikView license”

  1. John-Paul Bogers Avatar
    John-Paul Bogers


    I tried the instructions above with the latest version of Qlikview. I got a lot of error messages and after that the exercises files did not open (same error as above).
    What is wrong? Is this a QV 11 problem?



    1. Karl Pover Avatar

      Hi John-Paul,

      Thank you for your comment. The instructions help you create two QVW files that replace the files found in the folder called Original and allow you to perform the exercises throughout the book. Unfortunately, if you do not have a QlikView license you will be unable to open the other QVW files that are located in the folders called Ch. 1, Ch. 2, etc. which contain the results of the exercises. However, these other QVW files are not necessary to complete the exercises.

      Regards, Karl


  2. Mahantesh Avatar

    I followed the same steps but not able to load data. Is this trick work in Qlik View 11.


    1. Karl Pover Avatar

      Hi Mahantesh,

      Sorry about the late reply. This should work in QlikView 11. Did you get some sort of error?



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